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   Ever since I could pick up a pencil, drawing has been what I love above all else. When I was young I felt that drawing was my connection to the cartoons I watch and I wanted to put my own creations out into the world for everyone to enjoy. I basically taught myself how to draw when I was little by tracing Dragonball pictures, but I eventually got comfortable to draw without doing that. From the age of 16 to 18 I was placed in foster care. I learned a great deal from this experience. I learned people can be good and people can be bad.  I made the choice to make the best out of a bad situation. By this time I was 18 and aging out of foster care. I decided to do something with my life and not be another statistic. I made the decision to take something I have loved my whole life and make something out of it. I wanted to go to school for illustration. As I’ve grown as an artist I’ve learned quite a few things from myself, my friends, and my professors.  I’ve learned a lot on my own, but my time in college has taught and introduced me to so much more than I could have ever taught myself. There are a select few of my professors that have inspired me and showed me a perspective of art that I never knew. I admire them and they will forever be an inspiration to me.

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